Our industrial partners are a critical component of UK-PBC and will play a fundamental role in achieving our goal of better treatment for this disease. We value working with industry and understand the needs and the pressures on our industrial partners.

UK-PBC has been established in full collaboration with industry and has within its structures the elements for a unique public private partnership to allow us to identify potential therapies, to develop and optimise them, to evaluate them in practice and critically, to implement them.

The UK-PBC patient cohort of more than 7230 patients is the largest and best characterised in the world, with an active database of patients identifying the key clinical or phenotypic groups relevant for trial work. These phenotypic groups are all current treatment targets including UDCA unresponsive disease, fatigue and pruritus.

The patients within the cohort are consented to be approached about participating in clinical trials. Across the UK we have a network of participating centres able to design and deliver these trials.

We have programmes modelling PBC to understand the cost implications of the disease and to understand health economics and a strand of work developing an integrated care pathway for the disease which will allow us to implement new therapies into clinical practice.

Companies interested in working with PBC are welcome to contact us for informal or confidential discussions about what we have to offer and for advice around the opportunities that there are in working in PBC.